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Aaron of Prepped and Polished tells you how to manage your SAT and ACT homework.

Homework is an essential part of any ACT or SAT test prep. When working with Prepped and Polished or on your own, it’s important to know how to manage that homework so that as you’re doing it, it’s helping you better prepare for your test date, whenever that may be. So, we will be talking about a few tips and approaches to help you best manage your homework.


When you are trying to plan out your day or homework schedule, it’s great to have a planner of some sort to plan what you will be working on for the week or between sessions.

Allocation of time

The whole point of homework, at least for test prep, is to allow time for your mind and your body to integrate this information. So, split it up over time.

Find a reason for your answer

When you’re working through your homework, you need to find a reason for your answer or show your work.

What was your biggest takeaway from this podcast about how to manage your SAT and ACT homework? Do you have any questions for Aaron and Alexis Avila?

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Published On: August 26th, 2020By Categories: ACT, Featured, Podcast, SATTags: , , ,

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