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Terri of Prepped and Polished tells you the importance of knowing word parts to understand unfamiliar vocabulary for SSAT and ISEE.

Today I’m gonna tell you what you need to know about word parts so you can boost your score on synonyms on both the SSAT and ISEE, analogies on the SSAT and sentence completions on the ISEE. Knowing what word parts mean, prefixes, suffixes, roots as well as stems, is key to deciphering unfamiliar vocabulary. Let me show you what I mean.

So this is how some word parts can work for you. For example, “bene” is a Latin prefix that means good. And these three words all have “bene” in them, beneficial means helpful, benevolent means good-hearted, and benediction means blessing, good words. Even if you didn’t know the meaning of these three words, you that “bene” is positive, so that could actually help you to eliminate some incorrect answers. You could eliminate negative answers.

Okay, here’s how some word parts can work together. “Mag” or “magna” is a prefix that means great. Firstly, let’s just look at this, magnify means to make greater in size, magnificent means great. “Anima” or “anim” means spirit. So here’s a word that has both of the roots, has both the root and prefix. Magnanimous means generous in spirit or big-hearted. “Magna” means great, “anim” means spirit, so it’s big spirited, generous in spirit. Here’s another two word parts that work together. “Phobia” is a suffix that means an abnormal fear of, “Somnus” is the Roman god of sleep. So somniphobia is a fear of sleep and somnolent means sleepy.

Here’s two more that work together, “omni” and “vor.” You probably know where this is going. You might know this word. These are Latin roots. “Omni” means all, “vor” means eat. So omnivore is a creature that eats plants and animals, eats all, and voracious is a huge appetite, eat. This is how word parts can help you.

If you memorize some common word parts that may show up on the SSAT or ISEE, you’ll be ahead of the game. And there’s many lists available for you to study. You know, if you demonstrate a rich vocabulary, schools will consider you a prospect for success.

If you have any questions or you want more in-depth tutoring, either online or in person, simply email, and we’ll be glad to help you.

Good luck.

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