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On episode 186, Alexis Avila speaks to Eric Stutman, college consultant and founder of Top Choice College Consulting, where they meet with families to help explain the whole college admission process and research to find good fits for schools and answer any questions along the way. 

Our Guest:

Eric Stutman uses his research and project management skills to help his Top Choice College Consulting clients find the best fit and stay on schedule. Eric earned a BS degree from the University of Virginia School of Engineering and an MS degree from Boston University’s College of Engineering.

On today’s episode, Eric gives us his tips on how to reduce the stress of the college admissions process.

Eric’s 7 tips when getting ready for the college admissions process

  1. Define roles.
  2. Listen to each other.
  3. Get educated to minimize the unknowns.
  4. Seek outside help
  5. Think about college readiness
  6. Plan ahead.
  7. Seek a great fit school.

For another related converation check out my interview w NY Times Best Selling Author Frank Bruni, An antidote to college admission mania

What was your biggest takeaway from this podcast about Reducing the Stress of the College Admissions Process? Do you have any questions for Eric Stutman and Alexis Avila?

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