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Alexis talks to the Essay Adviser and author Elly Swartz. Elly is an experienced writer and author of dozens of articles and her book Finding Perfect will be coming out October 2016.

Our Guest:

She has over a decade of experience helping hundreds of students gain acceptance to America’s best colleges, grad schools, and independent secondary schools. Elly received her B.A. with honors from Boston University and J.D. with honors from Georgetown University. Elly’s company The Essay Adviser helps students with the school application process, particularly focusing on the application essay. On today’s episode, Elly talks about how to overcome writer’s block for college admissions essays.

Elly Swartz’s five ways to get unstuck:

  1. move and relocate
  2. exercise
  3. get back to the basics (write your ideas on paper!)
  4. talk it out to get ideas flowing
  5. disconnect and shut down social media bonus tip? Don’t title your first draft “College Essay”. Instead title it “Thoughts” = takes off a lot of pressure!

Also, Elly is our first three-peat guest! Check out Elly’s other two podcasts where she talks on the school application process as a whole; episode 44 and episode #72 on How to Start, Write, and Revise the College Admissions Essay:

For more information, visit: Prepped and

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