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Today on episode 144, I’m talking to returning guest Elizabeth Dankoski of The Dream School Project.

For the past 15 years, Elizabeth has worked as a private college consultant, helping students get into incredible schools: Harvard, MIT, Columbia, Yale, Caltech, Dartmouth, and many, many others.

On today’s podcast, Elizabeth shares some of the biggest myths about the college admission process and teaches us ways to make ourselves more interesting and attractive to college admission officers.

For a link to my last conversation with Elizabeth Dankoski click on Episode 94 How a Perfect SAT Score Can Backfire on You

Elizabeth highly recommends this book How to Be A High School Superstar

Elizabeth’s college admissions myth: Grades and test scores are the only things you should focus on when applying to college

Elizabeth’s best college admissions essay? A great story is one that describes how you have grown and evolved.

How to become more interesting? Ask yourself what light’s you up! What are you curious about? And think about what problems in the world you notice and want to address.

Advice to teens: Focus on what light’s you up and tap into your unique gift to the world. We all have a gift!

For more information, visit: Prepped and

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What was your biggest takeaway from this podcast about How to Rise Above College Admissions Mania? Do you have any questions for Elizabeth Dankoski and Alexis Avila?

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